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  • Posted by: studyworld

Dr Vidhya Vinod,
Prof. Chris Haselm,
Honourable Minister,
Shadow Minister,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear Students, Graduates,

It is indeed a great pleasure to be here with you today and celebrate the conferment of degrees and certificates.  I understand that many of you have been awaiting more than others for this day due to unexpected postponements related to the pandemic.  The impact of Covid-19 effected all aspects of our life, including, occasions such as these where we can celebrate your achievements.

I would like you to understand however, that the certificates you just received is an important testimony to your hard work, and proof that you have successfully completed the program of study, with all the deprevations and sacrifices that it has entailed.

The educational experience and the values that you carry with you, will go beyond this date.  They are the true representation of your hard-earned achievements.

One should also mention the pivotal role played by your educators to pass on to you, strong academic skills, while preparing you for an ever-evolving competitive labour market.

I am fully aware that the collaboration with the University of Chester greatly complements the efforts of Global College Malta to provide its students with an outward looking educational package, thus promoting collaboration with other institutions and participation by foreign students.

I am sure that the past months were not an easy ride.  You went through great efforts in your daily duties and academic exercises to reach your aspired goals and ultimately to develop into the professional leaders of today.

The hours spent reading course work material and writing assignments, and the nerve breaking tension during examination period, are all synonymous with student life. Not to mention the coffee binges and potentially sleepless nights! The task becomes even more daunting when the person is juggling education with employment and family life commitments, such as care responsibilities linked to young children or elderly relatives.

Your commitment towards education and the yearning to expand your academic horizons beyond formal school years, are admirable traits of individuals who are geared to improve their personal potential.

On your first day in this College, you might have looked at this day, graduation date, as something happening in a distant and far away future.

Today, you are living that future and that dream.

The attainment of this objective was well worth all the sacrifices.

Do not think however that the joy of learning is over.  From tomorrow, you will embark on a new enticing journey of self-discovery and professional growth.  More specifically you will be finding yourselves as key players in the versatile and evolving world of business, management and finance.

You will realise that the learning curve you embarked on in the past, does not stop on this day.  It will rather propel you further towards a productive and lucrative future.

Surely, you must be thankful to your families and friends.  People who offered you support and precious words of encouragement throughout the duration of the programme. I am sure their role was instrumental in providing you with much needed support to keep you focused and reach your goals.

This year, Global College Malta is also celebrating its 10th Anniversary in our country.   I want to express my gratitude to Dr Vinod and the Study World Education Group in Dubai for believing in our country, in believing that in Malta one could find the serenity, stability and the environment that are conducive to enjoying student life.

Throughout these years, Global Collage Malta has given the opportunity to hundreds of students in taking their education further.  Many of these, I understand, are foreign.  Your institution is proof that education has no boundaries, be they geographical, age or status. In conclusion, I once more congratulate all of you present and those in absentia, for your successes and encourage you to use your newly acquired skills to promote a future world, where equity, justice and peace would prevail.


Author: studyworld

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